July 22, 2013

My Mobile Recap

This past weekend I headed out of town to my parents in South Alabama to help my Mom clean out her house! My parents have lived in the same house my entire life and are looking to build again on their beloved farm. 

Well, after my grandfather passed in April this year and having to clean out his house, my Mom and Dad decided they were going to lighten their load before they move again. Cleaning out my Poppy's house of 87 years of accumulating stuff was rough on them. 

I had told my Mom that I would come and help her clean out as her birthday present. I really enjoy throwing away and hate clutter so it was a win-win for both of us. The thing is, my parents don't really have clutter, just a large house with 38+ years of marriage, kids and grand kids memories. 

My Mom had already gone through a bunch of rooms and drawers by the time I came so what was left wasn't as much as I had thought- although the rooms left to clean out were the worst. 

We walked through the house, she told me what she had done and what would like to be finished. 

The easiest way to clean out is focusing on one room at a time. It gets overwhelming jumping from one place to the next. We also started from the top of the room and worked our way down - from book shelves to what was on the floor. 

I think all in all it was a successful clean out and my Mom was happy with the result. 

What was your weekend like? 


  1. That actually sounds like so much fun! I love cleaning, de-cluttering, and organizing! :-)

  2. You should have texted I would have been all over cleaning and organizing!

  3. Cleaning up the old house is interesting work since you can find a lot of precious pictures, memories, and presents.

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