May 15, 2013

Clean Living | How to Research

Welcome back to the second week of my new series called Clean Living. This series is about the importance of clean eating and ways to make the switch from processed foods to more natural foods. I hope you begin to feel as passionate about taking care of our bodies and making a better future for the next generations as I do. 

Walking in the Light
Eating smart can be hard to do. It takes preparation, discipline, and money. 
When we started eating clean a couple months back, I did a TON of research. I began talking to people I know who follow the clean living lifestyle, I consulted published books, websites, spent countless hours reading article after article. I found myself scrutinizing every food label and what the words meant too. 

Finally, after about 3 weeks, I started to get a handle on it all. I'm not saying that I have it all figured out (not even close!) - but I love learning about the importance of placing healthy all natural foods into our body and what it does for us. 

I want to share some information I follow that helped me get a better grip on clean living. Each site has taught me a great deal and I've learned to stop, read labels, ask questions and think before placing something full of GMO's/toxic chemicals/pestisides in my mouth. This list is by no means all encompassing, but I wanted to save you the time and trouble of where to begin. I also hope you conduct some research on your own to see if you and your family make the switch, even if its a little bit at a time. 

I want to point out that even though I love living clean, its nearly impossible for Stephen and I to do it 100% of the time - we still enjoy eating out with friends and family and not freaking ourselves out that we ate a roll at a friends house. I have tried not allow it to consume my life but it can be very addicting and frightening at times.
 I never want to put this as my idol - I serve only 1 God. :) 

The Honest Life - by Jessica Alba
Eating for Beauty - by David Wolfe
Cooked - by Michael Pollan 
Salt, Sugar, Fat - by Michael Moss



Please make sure to link up your stories of clean living here

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1 comment:

  1. This is great! Other sources that helped me were Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Diet" as well as the documentaries "Forks Over Knives," and "The Engine 2 Siet."


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